By Karl Bitz
In memory of Robert Ward Bitz (09/16/1930 - 06/17/2023)
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
serious, but also earnest, foolish, and fun
he sees through insincerity
and pays respect where it's been won
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
he makes mistakes along the way
he rights wrongs and cares deeply
and makes the most of every day
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
he works hard for something grand
perhaps to no one but himself
but perfect, as long as he had a hand
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
through struggle he perseveres
with a heart full of love and kindness
he can look at himself in the mirror
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
at least all the best men are
some hide the boy away from others
some leave him behind, forever too far
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
his spirit raises us up
and fills us with purpose and joy
as if from an overflowing cup
a boy becomes a man but is still a boy
not just curious, but free, full of vigor and vim
a boy's work is giving his life to the world around
because it's the world around that gives life to him